Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000236_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sat Nov 22 15:16:59 1997.msg
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From: Jens Vang Petersen <top_cat@post8.tele.dk>
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 19:58:45 +0100
Message-ID: <yam7265.2300.1745621560@post8.tele.dk>
X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Subject: Cracking da extensions..
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Hello everybody..
Well, I know that the headline might be a bit 'over the top'....
Anyway.. As some might know I've written an extension, mainly dedicated to
sorting rountines. Currently I'm working on some improvements, but yester-
day i crashed a syquest-disk with the source on... No backup.. Well I tried
a deasm-program called Ira, not bad at all, but I finaly dicided to write
a little front-program for it that takes care of the special features of
It worked out great, after getting my own source back, I tried it on the
main AMOS-lib file, it took about 25 minutes, but then I had a working
copy of the original source-code (1.2 Mb)...
Anyone interested in a copy of the front-program (ira 1.02 is on aminet),
then just drop me a line and I'll send it to you...
What It'll do:
Rebuild the token-list..
Rebuild the structure of the sub-routines (The L0, L1.. labels)..
What it won't do:
Recreate the special function (Rjsr, Rbra, etc.. See the Cequ file)..
Recreate the include codes (Lib offsets, etc.)
Learn you to program in asm :-))..
Make coffe..
NOTE: Ofcourse it's illegal to use this program to crack other people's
work, and it's not intended for that..
Happy greetings, Yours..
/_ __/ __ / __ /\ ___\ __ \__ _\ aka. JENS VANG PETERSEN
/ / / /_/ / ____/ \ \___\ __ \ \ \ Nyvej 8, DK-4450 Jyderup, Denmark
/_/ /_____/_/ \_____\_\ \_\ \_\ top_cat@post8.tele.dk
CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh..